Monday, October 8, 2007

Forbidden Planet (1956)

Starting off quite slow and in deep b-grade territory, Forbidden Planet ramps up after the first half hour to become a full blown science fiction movie. 

There is a race of aliens here which are not only there to kill aimlessly, but they have a deep and thoroughly thought out history. The effects are amazing for the day and the acting... the acting stinks. But what can you do? It's science fiction, baby! 

You should try to give this movie at least one viewing and stick with it through the murky uncertainties of the first sections and you will be rewarded.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Fargo (1996)

I'd heard many things about Fargo. Mainly that it was good, also funny. But the thing that I could not stop from remembering was when Steve Buscemi turned up in an episode of The Simpsons for no reason and Homer gasped, "The guy who got fed into the wood chipper in Fargo?" so every time something good happened to him, I rooted for his character then I was reminded of his fate. And when something bad happened, it was "oh yeah, he dies". 

I don't know if it was specifically because of that, but overall, I thought the movie was flat.