Saturday, December 29, 2012

Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

The cornball jokes, and moments of non-horror didn't amount to anything in the path of the most massive plot hole I've ever seen in a movie. And that is: There is no reason for the scientists to create a female version of the monster. None at all. They have no reason and no understanding (beyond, possibly, the morbidly perverse, not mentioned on screen) of what will happen if they do. They just want to and then put them together. Then they do and a building falls down, the end.

That said, the little people in jars special effect was pretty good.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Marnie (1964)

Marnie is a woman who isn't in love with the man she somehow becomes married to. She has deep emotional scars and a severe fractured personality. Her husband sees good in her and tries to uncover the source of her mental illness. He does so, in the end, then kind of wipes his hands of the whole affair, claims everything to be fixed and leaves with his newly healthy wife.

Most of the movie is spent with two thoroughly unlikable leads (and occasionally, her mother) discussing an issue that isn't very interesting to begin with, until it resolves unsatisfactorily. Highly missable